There are a various types of mesothelioma asbestos diseases because asbestos can damage the various parts of the body. They are named after their location in the body as well as to their progress.
Some of these diseases asbestos mesothelioma are:
Pleural mesothelioma - this is the most talked about on the form of mesothelioma cancer because it invades the inner lining of the lungs and causes respiratory as cough, shortness of breath and fatigue. Malignant pleural mesothelioma is the most common form of this disease.
Peritoneal Mesothelioma - in the body, there is a bag that holds the parts of the separate body of skin to protect and cushion the called the peritoneum. When asbestos was damaged this covering of the body, it is referred to as Peritoneal Mesothelioma. Symptoms often include abdominal pain, weight loss, of problems with the bowels, ascites (liquid in the abdomen), and sometimes a mass is palpable. This cancerous disease can be difficult to detect symptoms are imprecise.
Pericardial mesothelioma - it is a cancer affecting the sac surrounding the heart or the pericardium. When this liner is affected, patients may have problems with their blood pressure in addition to respiratory problems.
Some patients will also have trouble with cancer of the esophagus mesothelioma that affects the throat of the patient. These types of diseases asbestos mesothelioma can cause swallowing disorders and eating.
There are rare forms of mesothelioma benign too does not technically have cancer symptoms and growth of cells which is always dangerous for respiration and disease can affect your quality of life.
The main concern with each of these mesothelioma disease is the spread of asbestos related disease in other parts of the body. If the cancer has spread, it can become more difficult to treat or to require more aggressive treatment of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
While it is not a part of the body which is more reactive to cancer, any cancer spreads in the around of the heart and lungs will be the most serious of these asbestos diseases.
These many types of diseases asbestos mesothelioma remind us that asbestos exposure is far more dangerous that we might have thought. And if you feel that you have been exposed at any time in your life, you can check with your doctor about getting tested.
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