Biopsy of the term means a vision of life and ways of life from Greek meaning "bio", and "-psy" vision of meaning. A biopsy is literally a perspective on living tissues, and is a test used to diagnose cancer. A tissue or organ of the body can be biopsy, and there are many techniques that are used. Some of these draw in surgery, while others will not draw even in an anesthetic. In each method, a sample of tissue is cut out of the body and studied for cancer, cancer or unusual cells markers of cell division. Each cancer has its own methods of diagnosis, but can classify different types of biopsies. Of course, you should go to a medical clinic known for this fact. You can search an online directory of health for information.
(1) Excisionnelle biopsy. It's a surgical removal of the growth of the tumour feared. In this case, a body or lump is removed, or cut out of the body. Excisionnelle biopsy is used for a variety of cancer diagnostics and for different reasons in each. In osteosarcoma, they are used with the growth of tumour feared. Surgery will be the first option of biopsy in patients with cancers of the bone. Lymphoma, tumors can only be considered as the pieces together to obtain an accurate diagnosis. Breast cancer is another cancer where some surgeons prefer to surgery. This will make sure any diagnosis of cancer more accurately.
(2) Incision biopsy. Here only a section of the lump is removed by surgery. This type is generally used for dreaded soft tissue cancers.
(3) Endoscopic biopsy. It is the most common form of biopsy and is performed using an endoscope optical fiber which is introduced in the organ of the disturbance. The doctor seeks to endoscopy can directly display abnormal and cut sections or pinch pieces of cloth with tweezers. A thoroscopy for endoscopic biopsy under general anesthesia will be used for mesothelioma, a cancer of the lining of the internal body. The reason is there is simply no alternative to obtain a tissue sample. Meshothelioma is also very difficult to diagnose by other means, and therefore excisionnelle biopsy is the best solution for an accurate diagnosis.
(4) Aspiration fine needle is the most popular form of biopsy contemporary cancer. Here a needle will be introduced into the flat and large numbers of tissue is extracted with a syringe. These cells will then stained and examined by a pathologist. In this case, diagnosis is achieved instantly. This type of biopsy may even be led on the inaccessible organs, such as the pancreas and lungs with ultrasound techniques guided. This is the preferred choice surgery is almost always the first on the list of wishes of the doctor.
There are other forms of biopsies, but these categories are the most widespread and cover more large cancerous diseases. If a cancer is to be feared, a patient may undergo more than one of these tests in their treatment, according to the aggressively doctor believes that it is.
Clinical medical specialist are better prepared to deal with this. If you want to learn more, read web articles on the subject. They are easily accessible in a directory of health.
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