Despite the rapid growth of technology and brilliant discoveries of the medical fraternity, the treatment of Mesothelioma has been far from successful. Conventional therapies have somewhat fall, and patients survive 12 months, on average, having been recognized by the disease. Here are the available options for someone with mesothelioma.
One is the surgery, either by itself or with preoperative or postoperative therapy together. However, there is only a rate of 5 year survival of less than 10% of the people affected by the disease.
The tumor is extremely resistant to chemotherapy and radiotherapy; However, these methods are sometimes deployed to alleviate symptoms caused by metastasis of tumors, such as obstruction of a blood vessel.
Methods of treatment involving immunotherapy have provided inconsistent results. For example, "intra-pleurale vaccination" Bacillus Calmette - Guérin (BCG) to improve the immune response has proved to be of no benefit to the patient of mesothelioma. However, those suffering cancer of the bladder have benefited from this treatment. Company patients this specific therapy felt important, as side effects fever and cachexia. However, other methods using "interferon alpha" proved to be more effective, with a fifth of all mesothelioma patients tested faced with more than half the reduction of tumor mass, with few side effects.
Then, there is another procedure called "heated intraoperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy." It was discovered by a surgeon named Paul Sugarbaker, from the Institute of Cancer in Washington. In this method, the surgeon takes as much of the massive tumor as possible. This is then followed by an agent of chemotherapy (to about 40 to 48 ° C) in the abdomen. Constable (fluid) is inserted an hour to two hours before be drained. This method allows the use of high concentrations of specific drugs on the pelvic surfaces. It facilitates also the largest penetration of drugs in cancer tissue. Also, heating adversely affects the malignant cells more than normal cells.
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